
Friday, July 11, 2014

TPLF survives on Plagiarized Propaganda

July 11, 2014

From a conman of ‘Tigray’ to the ’our great leader’ of Ethiopia, the art of plagiarizing propaganda to dupe the people

by Teshome Debalke
For the life of me I never thought I will live to see grownups with impeccable knowledge would be duped to believe or be part of Woyane’s propaganda all these years to alter their identity and to argue Woyane is good for the country and the people of Ethiopia. A close friend often argues; how so many knowledgeable people could be cowed not to see it? My response is always; propaganda works.From a conman of ‘Tigray’ to the ’our great leader’
I know… I know what you thinking… here he goes again… badgering Woyane as the usual. That is absolutely not all true, the only truth to such accusation is; yes; I have a habit of sweating anything rotten to death. You can say; I am obsessively compulsive against anything bad—dirty politics, corruption, propaganda, hypocrisy, and tyranny — more so ethnic tyranny so on. Woyane happen to be one rotten regime to its core that trigger my habit and for that I plead guilty as charged. And, if you are associated with Woyane chew on it and go on doing your dirty job until no more.
Lately it dawned on me, the entire discussions, news, articles… coming out of TPLF conmen is no longer ethnic pandering but, development, stability, security, economic growth etc. It appears TPLF conmen wised up the only way to preserve its rule is to dupe us again. This time, the propaganda is we are all one big happy family– transforming our country with grand projects in a vision of our late conman extraordinary or ‘our great leader’ as the cowed PM puts it.
Here is what flashed in my head just when I took my break from work to skim through the news as my daily ritual. The journalists at home are the same ethnic peddlers in different tone. Foreign journalists recycle the same rubbish fed by the same cowed reporters. I stopped for a moment to think, not only how could it be but, how did I missed to see it all these years. I quickly realize I have been duped like everybody else too. Me …duped… by cowed Woyane reporters…it is impossible…I thought. But, it turned out to be the truth. Do you know how you feel when you are taken to the laundry by a street tug? That is what I felt. I wanted to get to the bottom of how a second rated TPLF conmen duped me?
Think about it, even I that can smell a rotten fish from a mile away is taken for a ride by stories tailored just for my Ethiopian mind. Then, the Communist Party of China’s propaganda came to rescue me. The great leader…progress…transformation…the grand project—‘tell them what they want to hear they will believe It’.
How could I forget all the good books I read about communist propaganda and the art of making people think like cows–worshiping the dear leader…the party… to be played by TPLF’s conmen without even me knowing it?
My friends, it is worse than I thought. Melse Zenawi, the long departed warlord of Tigray we knew all these years, the one with the foundation, legacy of the ‘dear leader’ and all was a serial plagiarizer. Not the kind you would think in academia, which could also be true but, the propaganda kind — straight from the Communist Party of China.
He is not alone; the whole TPLF family plagiarizes all kinds of propaganda straight from the Communist China red book. Even the public display of the ethnic warlord turn ‘great leader’ you see on the above picture was copied straight from China. Frankly, in the back of my mind, I always wondered where I read the same script every time TPLF’s conmen come up with all kinds of propaganda stint. Why do you think all real journalists are in jail or left the country leaving behind cowed reporters to peddle TPLF propaganda?
Think about it just for a moment; how did a mediocre self-proclaimed Tigray ethnic warlord like the late Melse Zenawi that hated the very Ethiopia he occupied for twenty years ended up to be called the ‘great leader’ of the same Ethiopia and buried in the heart of the proud nation he dispraised; rapped in the same flag he hate to burn? That is not all, even after his death, he is an inspiration for a collection of ethnic warlords he cowed to celebrate his ‘legacy; forgetting he started as conman in Tigray all the way to ‘dear leader of Ethiopia.
Think even further, from the beginning, the conmen of TPLF duped many people in Tigray to believe they are not Ethiopians and need to be liberated from their own country to erect them a statue of victory against Ethiopia and came up with their own flag and turned around to tell them the ‘great leader’ Melse that ‘liberated’ Tigray is too great a leader to be buried next to the ‘statue of victory’ with his ‘’golden’ people’ he was proud to be born from — reducing the statue into meaningless concert standing, the flag into piece of rug flying and the golden people into cheap copper he used his atrocities and corruptions.
Wait, the conman Melse that said ‘what is Aksum for the Wolayttas’ is praised as ‘our great leader’ by Wolaytta Prime Minster Hailemariam Desalegn — pouring crocodile tears when the conman was buried in Addis Ababa where both ethnic warlords declare they don’t belong under Ethnic Federalism they were supposedly elected. Frankly, it is the most elaborate con job anyone came up with ever.
Therefore, my people, the whole hoax TPLF conmen came up with and their very existence hangs on plagiarized propaganda from China and no one have a clue what to do with since Melse departure.
Face it; we are all duped by TPLF ethnic conmen about everything we hear and see back home and talk about like cows in the barn. What is even worrisome is there are 1000s of zombies out there where TPLF’s plagiarized propaganda as their guiding light to walk in the wonderland. That is not all; the intellectual elites are cowed and muddied to be identified by their ethnicity to act like common cadre to fabricate history… hiding behind imaginary stuff like Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam as if it is going to help them with their identity crises.
A classic example of TPLF conmen is Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) filled with TPLF conmen to dupe Ethiopians. The Eritrean national Berket Simon top man with his other TPLF conmen are the ‘elected’ representative of the Amhara Region that make up the Woyane’s Nation and Nationalities regime. These unidentified ethnic conmen we are told are growing and developing our economy by none other than the ‘intellectual’ conmen.
Embarrassing as it may be for anyone to admit he or she is duped by TPLF’ conmen, it doesn’t seem to stop many to continue sleepwalking; worshiping TPLF conman turn great leader of Ethiopia. But again, what would be the alternative; tell the truth and reduced to noting?
Here, it is important to mention the mechanics of Chinese propaganda and how TPLF conman emulate it to dupe us for conmen to stay alive. According to Brady Anne-Marie; Marketing dictatorship: propaganda and thought work in contemporary China (2008); Control Media, Thought Reform and Spin Doctors are at work.
Control of Media is where ‘Media operations and content are tightly controlled and the Party largely determines what appears in news reports…’ Thought reform is where ‘ideological purges, ritual humiliation of ideological opponents, an emphasis on political study to raise levels of awareness of the current line and targeting high-profile individuals as symbols of negative tendencies which must be eradicated’. Spin Doctors: where trained official spokespeople available on call in every central government ministry, as well as in local governments, to deal with emerging crises; these spin doctors are coordinated and trained by the Office of Foreign Propaganda/State Council Information Office’..
Here is where the TPLF Ministry of Government Communication Affair Office that oversees all propaganda comes in emulating the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda. The only difference is the Chines Communist Party control the people by Communist ideology and TPLF conmen control the people by ethnic ideology. Therefore, the all ethnic Tigre crew controls ’every medium concerned with the dissemination of information’.
“According to David Shambaugh, professor of political science and international affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs and a fellow of the Brookings Institution, the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda system extends itself as a sprawling bureaucratic establishment, into virtually every medium concerned with the dissemination of information.[2] Shambaugh notes that according to the CCP publication Zhongguo Gongchandang jianshe dazidian numerous public places, such as media and news organizations, educational institutions, literature and art centers, and cultural exhibitions come under CCP’s propaganda oversight”
Here is where it got dicey for TPLF’s conmen lately. The plagiarized propaganda from China doesn’t work on Nations and Nationalities TPLF concocted to come to power; as Melse confessed right before his departure. Therefore, TPLF conmen have to backpedal and find a way to save TPLF rule without ethnic peddling.
Here is what Ethiopians should expect from the disoriented TPLF conmen that want to sustain ‘Tigre ethnic’ ideology domination without Nation and Nationalities. Bye-bye Nation and Nationalities. Good bye Tigray People Liberation Front. Good luck the people of Tigray, .Woyane is the new Kinjit; waving the national flag from its headquartered in Addis Ababa. In short, TPLF is EPLF (Ethiopian People Liberation Front) and Nation and Nationalist are ethnic spectators locked in the Region designated for them — taking order from the new EPLF or the new Kinjit.
“Spin doctors”, like 50 Cent Party of China, are ready to go–straight out of Mekele University.. The all ‘Tigre’ crew are trained to be any Ethiopian but Tigre. The strategy is simple; maintain Tigre ethnic ideology domination as the New Kinjit national party to suite TPLF conmen.
What to do with the ethnic regional warlords? No problem; replace them with ‘Tigre’ warlords that look and speak the language of the ‘Region’.
How about Ethiopians in Diaspora? That is where TPLF spin doctors led by Debretsion Gebremichael, the new TPLF conman of propaganda comes in to demonize, disfranchise, disintegrate, distract, disunite, and deceive.
According to ESAT; several hundred TPLF-all Tigre spin doctors are trained and several thousand social Media accounts were created to do just that.
The old ugly TPLF propaganda outlets known to peddle ethnic ideology and bravado are no longer needed to sustain TPLF/Woyane dominance. The new improve EPLF/Woyane (new Kinjit) a national party headquartered in Addis Ababa where you hide your ethnic identity is in. The new party is only interested in Developmental State; investing in grand infrastructure, like the Grand Renaissance Ethiopian Dam, railroads, green revolution, foreign investment on the vision of the ‘great Ethiopian leader’. Anyone that peddles the ‘backward’ ethnic stuff and question the new Kinijit (EPLF/Woyane) ideology is a terrorist, anti-Ethiopian/development, proxy of neoliberals or friend of Ethiopia’s historical enemy. Welcome to the New and improved Woyane. Look at TPLF conmen dressed up like businessmen with the Ethiopian flag pined on the coats speaking the language of the new party.
I don’t know whether to cry or lough when TPLF’s conmen play us like modern colonialist – thinking of us as stupid Africans that would believe ‘if we tell them what they want to hear they will believe us. Take the latest con job TPLF pulled on us. The self-financed Grand Renaissance Ethiopian Dam is plastered everywhere. The conmen know it can’t be financed with birr. They even think we can’t tell the difference between the local currency (birr) and foreign exchange (dollar/euro).
Self-financing of the Grand Dam was the work of the late conman Melse; after rejected by all international fiancé institutions to fiancé the project. Finally, he came up with self-financing con job playing victim of the neoliberals and starts extorting birr from the poor and the rich alike. Four years later the con is still going with pseudo experts writing about it to dupe us ‘our golden days are coming by TPLF conmen turn government’. But so far not a single independent body examines the books of the project the conmen tells us it would be the end of the world if we don’t believe them.
You see, when I said Woyane is a dead and deadly regime walking. I wasn’t kidding.
What can Ethiopians do to rid of ethnic ideology peddling TPLF conmen turn government?
It is very simple. Reject anything and everything Woyane/TPLF and associates and demand unconditional surrender. Especially watch out the conmen dressed up to profess they are experts of one thing or another. Experts are usually the most potent conmen that would take a nation to the laundry.
That is the right and the Ethiopian thing to do to rid of self-declared ethnic Apartheid dictatorship run by conmen with unknown identity.
What we Ethiopians can’t afford to do is fall for TPLF’s plagiarized propaganda again.
Lastly, everyone under fear and jinx of TPLF’s conmen must get even by spill the beans you know without exposing yourself. The evidence you hold and know is needed to identify the conmen and reduce the rotten regime to irrelevance. Special focus on the top 50 key TPLF’s conmen that are not always on the limelight but play the big role of sustaining the current regime should be the target of all Ethiopians, particularly, those in in close proximity to the conmen.
There is no great pleasure in life than hounding conmen that sustain tyranny.
This article is dedicated to all independent Medias that expose TPLF conmen and their plagiarized propaganda straight out of communist China. The conmen of TPLF love for China took Seyoum Mesfin Gebredingel to accept demotion from Foreign Minster to an Ambassador. His job isn’t to represent Ethiopia but TPLF. A special attention is required to expose the conman extraordinary.

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