
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Closet Medias forced to come out as the struggle intensify

August 1, 2014
by Teshome Debalke
Somehow and at some point truth became allergic for our contemporary elites. The elites that run Woyane’s machinery breathe and chew lies and deceit as we witness every time they make a jackass out of themselves. Others are skillful to obscure the truth to confuse the public.A few months after Ethiopian Satellite Television hit the airwaves I wrote: ‘ESAT is the best thing that happened to Ethiopians since the ADWA Victory’.
Though the source of such deviant behavior can be debated one way or another and demand scientific investigation to find out, the result on the ground i.e. the chaos it created in the daily lives of our people is incalculable.
No single institution comes close as vehicle of deceit than the Media simply because its capacity to reach large audiences instantly. That is why any tyranny that lived on the planet earth hold on to the Media as a life-and-death to its rule—proving tyranny can’t survive without lies and deceit at the expenses of the people.
When that isn’t enough, noting exhibited the chaos our contemporary Medias put our people in abrogating the truth than the online Medias disguised as independent. Pick any online Media and you will find on-your-face lies or obscured reality of what our people go through to the benefit of the status qua. In fact, the problems are not the certified Medias that lie as their occupation to sustain the regime or others that counter the certified liars to expose the regime’s lies but, those disguised as independent Media skillfully misleading the public in favor of the regime.
The good news is when the truth starts coming out in abandons they are forced to come out of the closet to show their true color.
Witnessing the agony these Medias go through not to blow their cover, one can’t help but enjoy their frantic search to find anything that would divert our attention from the rotten regime in the verge of collapse of its own making. A typical diversion is posting anything from foreign personality or organizations to say; if it is good enough to foreigners it must be good for Ethiopians. Eritrea-terrorist is still hold the # 1 diversion followed by economic growth.
The recent news where PM Halimariam was the jock of the world is nowhere to be found. For halfway decent Media it would be the news-of-all news to extensively follow up to the bottom as we found out his PHD as fraudulent as his premiership but, not for the closet Medias. Instead, all kinds of diversion are substituted.
The funniest diversion I seen lately was Awramba Times’s article titled — A conversation with Samuel Zemichael ahead of his capture by INTERPOL (Audio). Samuel Zemichael is the fake doctor/engineer TPLF Medias were parading for the last month for misrepresenting his credential. No one knows what Interpol has to do with a smalltime Woyane conman falsifying his credential to be worthy news– ignoring the entire Woyane/ TPLF officials carry falsified credential as the former Deputy Minister Ermias Leggse reviled. What kinds of Medias ignore such juicy news dropped on his laps?
When I wrote ‘The accidental journalist, refugee, tourist, or the all-in-one spy?’ last year I was not jiving. Dawit Kebede of Awramba Time finally came out of the closet for good as expected. It is about time somebody notify Pen International to withdraw the prize he was awarded by falsifying his credential?
When ‘The Media’ fail to tell the truth or obscure the reality chaos is inevitable; as it is evident in contemporary Ethiopia. So my people, the struggle for freedom is also outing the closet Medias, cadres, snake oil salesmen and there-is- a cow in the sky crowed as much as crashing the Apartheid regime.
Albert Einstein said ‘Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters’.
Closet Medias are between a hard place and a rock. To-tell-or-not-to tell-the-truth is the problem. Knowing the truth will send Woyane running for dear life is a hard bargain for closet Medias.
No wonder ESAT is a pain on the ass for closet Medias. If one carefully observe, the closet Medias source news from any source including ETV but not ESAT, what is wrong with that picture?
Now, let face it; can Medias play hide-and-seek in the closet and live to see the day?
I don’t know about you my people, but, in bubble of Woyane if you can earn PHD in two weeks and can be a General with 5th grade education anything is possible. Could it be the closet Medias are run by…, you be the judge. Please…please don’t tell me the universities are full of fake PHDs too.
Here is the homework for closet Medias. Can you inquire the credential of the regime’s officials ASAP and let us know?
God save Ethiopia

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