
Monday, March 17, 2014

TPLF Security Agent Points Gun at Arrested Female Activist

March 17, 2014
Semayawi Party (Blue Party) updated its supporters and the world about the arrested party leaders and female activists prison experience.
Semayawi Party- Ethiopia
Lets share you some of the news from the prison we are disgusted with!
A day before one of the girls called out late at night, the security guard took her to a room where there was a man namely Sami (Samson I think) who claim to be from security force and ordered her to sit. The talk was started with threatening and tricking. She reported to us that he told her they cannot be successful with peaceful struggle and asked what the Blues are trying to do if that does not work.Emebet Girma, turned 18 this year is on of the arrested female activists
Emebet Girma, turned 18 this year was quite smart one, she explained to him “all the Blue members and supporter would not do such an act and we stand and struggle peacefully all the way till we are all arrested or killed for freedom with love and truth that for sure will set them free”… the replay that he got from the young girl irritates him and took out his gun and put it on the table… “I wasn’t disturbed,” she said.
After a pause he pointed the gun at her and threatened her. She said, “he asked me what if he shoots me, and I told him to go ahead.” The brave young women told us this in the narrow window that ables visitors communicate with while the guards are watching every move and hear every word. While we talk one of the police was looking at us repulsively trying to warn us to stop with a scary facial expression. Yet she remained still and continued.
“After some filthy threatening he started to talk to me as young girl who must act like the rest of the girls out there,” she said… and added he even asked her phone number after trying to sweetly talk to her.
Past the drama she was returned to her cell hearing partially begging and somehow threatening speeches behind her, followed by the so called security force member ‘Sami’ and the same guard that took her out.
We will keep you updated for more!

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